What is a VPN and why do I need it to do research from off campus?

I don't understand why I am able to access databases and read e-books while I'm at the library, but, when I am off campus, I can't do it..


The library pays publishers for access to most e-materials, and promise to only allow access to people who are verified as belonging to the university, whether you are a student, instructor, or staff member. 

When you are on campus and doing research on one of our computers or using the campus WiFi, this isn't a problem, since it's likely you belong to UCR (why would you be on campus otherwise?).  But, when you are off campus, using a non-UCR WiFi, and going onto the databases directly, there is no way for the library to verify who you are, so it doesn't immediately let outsiders access to this material. 

The way around it is to use a Virtual Private Network, or a VPN; this is a program you download onto your computer and configure with your UCR NetID and password so that, when you turn it on at home on your computer before you do your research, the library now knows you are someone allowed to see the e-materials they subscribe to, and they allow you to access them.

Now that you know what a VPN is and why you need it, you can install and configure the VPN by going here.

  • Last Updated Oct 13, 2023
  • Views 92
  • Answered By Christopher Martone

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