How do I find articles for my research online?

Books are great for research, but I also need to find articles for my assignments... How do I search for articles online that I can use for my research project?


First, keep in mind that, if you are doing any research remotely (that is, from off campus, not connected to the Campus Wi-Fi), you need to have the campus VPN program (GlobalProtect) downloaded, installed, configured correctly, and activated on your compute before you go onto the library website.  

Instructions on how to set up UCR's VPN can be found here.

Finding articles online involves going to the Databases section of the Library website and searching through one that you feel is relevant to your research.  Before choosing a subject-specific database (i.e., one on History or Literature)for your research, however, a good resource to start with is EBSCO's Academic Search Complete database. 

The video linked here shows you the basics of how to navigate through this database.  When you're ready to move on to other databases to continue your research, use the search tips from this video, as those should work, generally, on those databases too.



  • Last Updated Oct 13, 2023
  • Views 137
  • Answered By Christopher Martone

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